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Thekla Mathilde Amalie Gertrud Maria Jirku
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Personal Data
Name Jirku (nee Holthausen) Surname Thekla Mathilde Amalie Gertrud Maria Birth in Göteborg, Schweden Family Status married Number Of Children 4 Permanent Link https://cau.gelehrtenverzeichnis.de/38560f83-a320-67e1-4d3e-532fff24de07 -
Person Birth-and-death dates Relation Ferdinand August Karl Wennemar Wilhelm Holthausen - Parent Emilie Jirku Parent In Law Heinrich Jirku Parent In Law August Holthausen - Grandparent Bernhardine Holthausen - Grandparent Ferdinand Freytag - Great Grandparent Anton Viktor Richard Jirku - Spouse -
Biographic NotesThekla, geb. Holthausen, und Anton Jirku heirateten am 3. Mai 1919.